Your Sport Touring Motorbike Fix


Truth or ConsequencesSignup

Launches Sunday, April 13th and concludes Thursday, April 17th. Three days of riding at an estimated $1,011 per bike. Deadline 4/5/2025. Regions include New Mexico, Arizona. There are thirteen bikes for rent within 200 miles of our start point. Read the testimonials!

Skill Meter: 4/5Helmet MeterHelmet MeterHelmet MeterHelmet MeterHelmet MeterTwisties, sweepers & switchbacks throughout.

They call it the enchanted state for a reason. Hone in on small towns like Truth or Consequences and it's obvious why. A gateway into Gila National Forest, every route on our three day New Mexico ride is chock full of curves.

Our journey begins with vast, panoramic views directing all focus to an infinite coil of mountain twisties. Arizona's course western pavement then doubles down out of Alpine, dropping 5000 feet back toward our initial starting point. Even more secluded roads are waiting through Winston, perfect for a final "out and back".

Not to be missed during this epic motorcycle getaway are the area hot springs, where a rider can relax sore muscles. Gila's cliff dwellings are just down the road on the headwaters of the Gila River to the southwest. No visit to either would be complete without a green chilli cheeseburger.

Map Image

Schedule and Accommodations

Group riding times are discussed/announced the night before. All lodging is included. Some lodging includes breakfast. Customers are responsible for gas, food and excursion fees unless otherwise stated below. Each coordinator will have a limited array of roadside tools. Bring any obscure utilities specific to your motorcycle.


Let's gather and get acquainted! Established in 1950, Truth or Consequences is part of Sierra County. Best known for their hot springs, stargazers come from all over to soak under the night sky. Other area features are built around the established wildlife. We'll gather at 5pm, decide on where to eat and discuss all things tour.


A brief southbound interstate cruise points us to the open landscape of NM 152 toward Hillsboro. A few miles in, flatlands climb into the mountainous Gila National Forest where banked sweepers are matched only by the road surface's tire shredding grip. West of Silver City, we meander across state lines to enjoy Arizona's northbound curves from Three Way to Alpine.


Our return to New Mexico is met with beautiful desert valley views as we barrel roll through Rancho Grande, Alma, Pleasanton, Buckhorn and eventually Cliff. We then backtrack with a purpose, deviating north out of Silver City all the way to Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. The detour returns to NM 152 at San Lorenzo, delivering us back into TOC for some much needed time in the hot springs.


We conclude our tour by combining local luxuries with an out-and-back ride to Iron Mountain. This incredibly secluded route takes us deep into lesser known territory with the same general feel as days past but in open cattle country. A brief route by comparison, we return in earlier daylight hours to enjoy the hot springs, local food and social activities.


Make your way home! Seriously. It's likely we've all had a wonderful time riding incredible roads while bonding with new friends ... but all good things have their end. We're grateful for your business and look forward to riding with you again in the future, schedules permitting. We kindly ask that you contact us and let us know that you've made it home safe!

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