Your Sport Touring Motorbike Fix


Mar 23, 2020TranscriptCommentShare

FTC disclosure tour-de-force here ...

Map Overkill

Listen in as Tim, Travis and Robin ramble about map formats and motorcycle tour navigation. Music by Otis McDonald. Download our feed here.


As legible as we are intelligible ...

Travis: I'm out of that Garrett Brothers. I ran out a while ago.

Robin: Yeah, right I ran out the second episode recorded after it But there is no more podcast whiskey except for a Tim's place. I guess we all can go there. Yes, that is podcast whiskey Tim is trying to come up with everything that has happened between the last time we recorded which none of us remember what we recorded About because I haven't even uploaded it yet to this very point. So there's no outline Tim Tell us about everything you can remember about motorcycling or or the lack thereof In five seconds.

Tim: I rode my motorcycle on new year's day. It was a sunny day, but it was not all that warm It was a little above freezing Dude, it wasn't like christmas where it was like 40. Yeah Yeah It was I think it was a day a couple days after christmas. I went out for a ride as well or it was nice and it was like 45 when I left the house and like 39 when I got back. I was pretty damn cold after that because I'd Like left when it was sunny and came back after the sun went down and froze my ass off So he left at noon came back at two. Yeah. Yeah, that's kind of how it works here in Up in the north pole of wisconsin Sunrise to sunset you mean? Yeah. Oh my god, like how how does anyone in like Greenland or alaska even function with no light? It's so crazy.

Robin: Well, they're all vampires.

Tim: Yeah So, yeah went in the new year's day ride with madison motorcycle club Took my camera with me and the uh new lens That I picked up Well, it christmas present. Yes a christmas present to myself. It is a used lens but in extremely good condition Is this thing like five feet long?

Robin: What's the deal here?

Tim: I would say 70 to 200 millimeter Lens which is not super crazy. No, I mean it's it's hefty but it's It's still travel Capable kind of if you're willing to carry a stupid amount of stuff like seriously when we do this trip I'm going to have a pannier full of camera gear some tools and a first aid kit and then like I don't know change underwear and that's all i'm gonna have room for it's gonna be ridiculous.

Travis: All right, I'm Man okay, because some 200 pound six foot three dude needs the ride of 400 c. Yes.

Robin: Yes. Yeah For 1700 miles, this is the way to travel You're gonna be the ultimate sweet man. You're gonna be having a you're gonna have a really good time. Yeah, and yeah, okay Okay. Well, uh, does that wrap it up?

Tim: Yeah that wraps it up. Um yeah, i've been uh working on them on the garage and the walls are almost done and But they're insulated yeah bought a refrigerator Yeah took advantage of some um, some of the think after thanksgiving pricing I'm gonna go ahead and dial down this incredible discussion a notch.

Robin: Yes, and uh, let's let's calm things down and mellow things out with uh, Travis anything new?

Travis: Think about it When this last time recorded podcast 2019 Uh Yeah, so yeah, you know twin boys. I think were they born yet when we did our last five? No, the outline was updated in november.

Robin: They were born november 7th So weren't born when we recorded the last okay.

Travis: Well, then the twin boys were born It was uh, you know, uh, they came early so they were the due date was december 3rd They came november 7th and we expected them to be on the early side, but not quite that early So when uh when laurel called me I was up In westport, which is like the town north of madison with the pickup truck helping my buddy move brewery equipment All right, i'm like well I have a pickup truck full of brewery equipment, uh so I will drive back into the city and unload it and then go to the hospital

Robin: All right. Nice. Did you get there in time?

Travis: Yeah, I mean she was just like, uh her her water ruptured so she was kind of slowly leaking um So she was capable of driving herself to the hospital I mean if she wasn't capable I would have done it but she said no I can drive myself there. So um, I uh And I wouldn't have been able to park the truck at the hospital with the gear equipment in the back So we unloaded the equipment quick and then I drove to the hospital I'm sure there were some doctors there that would have been like wait. Oh, we're doing this Let's set up. They're like, oh, oh great. We needed a glycol chiller.

Tim: Yeah, right you know want to go ahead and move that to the uh Osteo unit we're gonna need some of the yeah but it's uh But yeah, it was uh, it was experience.

Travis: Um, you know, this is they kind of checked her out and said Yeah, you're leaking amniotic fluid and so you're gonna have your boys today and we'll schedule for a c-section Um at 6 p.m. When the shift change is over and then about 3 p.m She started going in the labor and they're like, well, we can't give you a spinal if you're in the throes of labor So you're going to have them now so they handed me some they like put her on a gurney and handed me some scrubs and said Come and put these on and then sat me in a room by myself for 20 minutes and then said come here And then I walked into a room full of gigantic operating theater It's like 20 people in it like two natal teams a surgery team an obg team an anesthesia team like so many people and my wife like splayed out jesus christ on the cross dial with this like weird bed. They had like arm rests and everything covered up but her belly before they cut her open and Pulled the babies out and wow It was weird They could have told me to do anything and I would have done it Because I was kind of like they were like do you want to like cut the umbilical cord and I was like I don't know not really but they're like here cut the umbilical cord. I'm like, okay They could they could they could have handed me a gun and been like shoot this guy in the face I just would have been like, okay, okay The doctor told me to do it. So i'm gonna do it Stand on one leg Jump up and down. Yeah.

Tim: Yeah

Travis: pretty pretty much how it went Uh, but yeah, you know and it's been a crazy couple of months since since then but the boys are doing good and they're growing and Um, everyone's, you know pretty healthy they're gonna check them out for a couple of things still but that's just kind of normal stuff so Yep, that's that Yeah, they've been yeah, we've had a couple of you know Abnormally warm december days here, but uh But I haven't been able to get the bike out because most of those days it's just i've been just too busy or it's been A work day or something like that or having to take the bike out. So Just a little sad but keep it pseudo motorcycle. I did send you dates for the brown county rally Tim will like that if you're free if they do a lot of there's a couple of guys who do a lot of like gravel grinding nice It didn't look like it was I mean, they're on like just a couple days.

Robin: They're on like klrs, but Uh, it's it's four days. Um in brown candy, indiana Gordos is a newbie in that and he just went last year for the first time I've been down there just driven down there.

Tim: I haven't been on the motorcycle down there But it looked like some really pleasant terrain down around there Well, we'll do the 450 150 combo which is part of it.

Robin: Um, it's like the last road of the entire tour Is the four or the triple sevens?

Travis: Yeah. Yeah yeah, where it's just like there's that one section you go that little town and it's like Right angle right angle right angle right angle right angle like like they built this the road around these like little Stairs cottages. Yeah, and it's like it's kind of like how in wisconsin you get the right angle right angle around every farm field Yeah, except it's around except it's around every house.

Robin: Yeah 30 feet. Oh fun Yeah, and that's that's like yeah, that's the little town there. Um Travis broslin congratulations, man. Yeah. Yeah, and more importantly more importantly tim.

Tim: Congratulations on your fridge, man Well, thank you Thank you I I worked hard and it will from this point on hopefully take no work unlike the twins All right.

Robin: So, uh with that Hello everybody. My name is robin dean I'm travis burleson and i'm tim clark You're listening to the riding podcast. Let's rock So All right, so I need you guys. I need you guys pretty bad for one reason or another. I mean first off social time. I've I'm in texas. I am still writing. It is beautiful here. I start coaching tomorrow for total riders We talked about that in the opening that travis wasn't around for Um, which I was kind of glad this is an interesting episode. I'm excited about it. Seriously But i've got my notes on what I need to change for the trip sevens tour because of sucked them um So The first thing i'm going to look at I wonder if I should share my I think that sharing my monitor is going to take Up a lot, but i'll tell you what I can do is I can share the route.

Travis: Well, maybe not well, depending on how dynamic your your what you did on your monitor is it'll take up less bandwidth because It's only the changes that matter with the compression Let me see if it'll play nice for you guys.

Robin: Hold on here because i've got my incoming video off Maybe that'll help so I want to go to this and I want to go to Shabba do share screen and I want to share I believe I want to share this screen And tell me let's see how this goes Yep, I see it.

Travis: Yep.

Robin: All right, so Um Now i'm going to scroll to the first thing Okay directly across from the french quarter end is a pizza pub. Yes. I know that we don't need to worry about that Uh, the woodbury inn is under new ownership again So this would be like day three or four wasn't there?

Travis: Wasn't there a place that was kind of more in like the little town there that we looked at before? Yeah, last time we were there because again we got to the place and it's like oh wait This is different people and the restaurant was closed Exactly.

Robin: There was like there was a place like in the town like where the gas stations are right now So let's all let's all in our own browsers create a new window um Great new browser window. Yeah, i'm i'm the boss of everybody And go to it was it's meadows of dan right meadows. Yeah All right, so go to meadows of dan on the map and i'm gonna look at what let's see. So zoom into downtown um Because it was like three miles in three miles out from the hotel to go get food for everybody and that Downtown is a bit of an overstatement, but yeah exactly what intersection is downtown for this?

Tim: There's what three of them.

Robin: Yeah for meadows of dan.

Tim: Yeah.

Travis: Oh, so that brings up an interesting So it's not it's not on it's not on the brp it'd be on like highway whatever this highway is 58 58 Yeah, blue ridge motel and that's the one we're in we're in the blue ridge motel Okay, and not the whatever the thing that changed owners like 50 billion times, right?

Robin: And the fact that basically they've changed owners three times the first time it was this lovely soft-spoken woman Wonderful person the restaurant was open There was a cook on site and the second time was when you and I scouted the advanced routes and it was like a younger couple Yeah, and then I think they might have gotten bought again And they didn't have the restaurant open at all and it completely messed up the plan. So jane's country kitchen cafe Is awesome. They're awesome Um, so we're we're gonna be right next to that at the blue ridge motel and restaurant Yeah, even like walking different I mean kind of walking distance, yeah Yeah, okay. So I do need to update the map with that uh in it, um, but you know, if you guys are looking at the map tell me If uh, if you guys see someplace else you want me to consider for the booking That's fine, too.

Travis: But there's that there's nowhere else man.

Robin: Yeah, that's that's nowheresville and that guy's cool The guy that owns it I called him three times changing our booking arrangement. He's like, yep. All right. All right.

Tim: Yeah Yeah, what do we have here a cabin rental agency just to the uh, What direction am I looking here? No on the uh, yeah, I mean there's like a campground right side Yeah, the east side of town There's a blue ridge haven country resort with handmade long log cabins All right. I have already had too much whiskey that I can't speak I can't feel my mouth. Yeah The uh hooray for texas straight bourbon whiskey It's one of those ones that'll sneak up on you a touch So, you know my ass is broke.

Robin: Did that gift carry over into the second year?

Tim: You did indeed. Okay. Yeah, so so you had me look at day three here a little bit and I Was looking at the jeb stewart highway heading Southeast out of meadows of dan. It looked pretty entertaining and then then basically hugging the The valley below blue ridge parkway.

Robin: Okay, sure and Right now i'm just trying to find there it is. So there's meadows of dan I've got to edit three maps. Um, and it looks like I already did. Okay So I already edited the maps to support where we will eat and stay there. That's cool. Okay Let me see now i'm gonna make sure I check the other two so this is gonna all sound like a Jargon conversation to the people that are listening to us, but we're gonna be talking over each other. You're looking at uh, uh, travis Tim is you remember when greg white was like, you know what i'm sure these people are having a good time But i'm bored out of my mind with this blue ridge parkway crap. You remember that? Tim is gonna try to figure out something paved and worth twistiness on an advanced level It needs to be whoop-ass advanced so it can be the advanced version Something for greg white and yeah, basically like any like stuff.

Travis: That's not the blue ridge parkway. Yeah Yeah, like there there's there are sections of the blue ridge parkway that are good. But a lot of it Yeah, it's pretty just like meandering.

Robin: Yes, tim. Wait until we leave meadows of dan. That's my favorite day next to west virginia There's west virginia and there's the advanced route out of meadows of dan that takes us down to maggie valley Travis i'll tell you that's that's a hoot.

Tim: Okay.

Travis: Oh, yeah. Was that where we all got lost last time?

Robin: Yeah Yeah, that was a good time and i've updated all of that so that the markers are loud and proud my brakes are smoking Yeah, your voice.

Travis: Oh, man It's like squeezing a stress ball yeah, I was like man my brakes are fading and then like we have like caught up to you guys I stopped and I was like I like poured water on them That's a little hot it was a little hot So whatever you can you guys can still see my monitor I assume.

Robin: Yep tim whatever you come up with out of uh warm springs virginia to meadows of dan virginia, uh 225 to 250 miles whatever Uh hectic as hell i'll add it into the advanced version of the full map.

Tim: So we'll all have okay now How tolerant are you of like going out on like lollipop loops and doubling back and figure eight and bullshit like that?

Robin: Well, if it's fun and it's just one day of that, we're not going to need this for anything else Yeah, then I say I say go for it. So long as it's easy to Uh maintain sensibility. There's one thing that we do is uh, uh, this is this is from the first tour learning from david, uh, dave rocco Um that the first 30 minutes we take a break 30 minutes to 30 miles p After that 60 60 and we'll need gas stops smaller tanks here and there depending i'll have the small tank

Tim: Yeah, yeah, you'll have I think i've got a I might have like 130 miles if i'm flogging it

Robin: nice So whatever you look at that you're like, I would want to do that And then you say robin and the rest would also like to do that So there's yeah keep the gravel out of the mix greg If you decide to find some of your own shit, like if you start if you decide to go rogue then uh, talk to greg, too Okay, he's on the tiger.

Tim: Yeah, you know, it's more of a street bike, but he definitely knows his dirt Well, my my bike is definitely a street bike, you know, it's got semi knobby-ish tires on it But it's kind of but you know, that's never stopped me from going down gravel.

Travis: Anyways, there's 17 inch Yeah, well, like it's like the cb500

Tim: Yeah Because there was definitely some tempting stuff that uh, he's like that's coming out of warren springs going south You've got all these parallel valleys and ridges And it it looks like it's a hoot to just like run down a valley for a bit Climb over the ridge to the next one and then you know backtrack then climb over a ridge and just zigzag your way on the way down So like if you're looking where you're at right north of uh, where you're at right there or when you've got warm springs in there yeah, so there is a uh, There's you know, it's a lot of national parkland. So a lot of that will be Paved anything in this area.

Robin: So here's what you see right here is the yeah spring stuff You could dip down here then curl back. Yeah, and I was looking at looking at going down bowling springs and kataba and Aronansky and it's such prime real estate that we don't want to limit it down to like 100 miles Although what you were pointing at does look freaking sexy.

Tim: So that's going to be some good riding no matter what yeah, I was kind of looking at it and it would have been like it's like it was a solid five hours of riding without stops I mean I was I'm pushing on to like lots of corners lots of turns lots of twisty stuff where where is met as a dan i'm lost here Uh down down.

Robin: So Okay, so it's away from rowan oak. Yeah, so i'm too far too far too far. Yep.

Tim: Okay, let's zoom out Yeah, so if you're looking at rowan oak, it's just down and to the left a little bit and that's where you're yeah that's it or maybe the Next icon near bottom left.

Robin: There it is. I found it. I found it. So Okay, it's on there. Yeah, it's on there so I didn't I didn't mark it and you know what i'm not gonna Because once you see that we're in met as a dan if I see some confusing bullshit

Travis: I'll know that we're where we're supposed to be but this is met as a dan is like there's the brp There's the interstate and then there's the one road that has gas stations Yeah

Robin: all right, so that means that the That means that the technical route and the full route both have that involved but which day is that

Tim: That was warm springs to meadows. Dan was day three.

Robin: So it's ohio It's ohio west virginia virginia. So it's day. Okay. So so this is day three uh Oh the sightseeing version that's hilarious. So I don't that's good.

Tim: I don't have a technical version of it Which is what tim is gonna freaking sort of goof with I think we both will so I need to figure out like where to stop for gas things like that, but yeah but yeah, I it looks like it's hard to go wrong and i've kind of Well kind of remember being up in those areas Yeah, nice. What was that? Uh, my phone was on autoplay But yeah, I One of the things that I love doing is Trying to find you know Trying to find like all accesses to an area. It's like if you see an interesting place to ride you're like, oh What's on the north side? What's on the south side? What's on the east side? No, can I get in there?

Travis: You know, we should do tim wants to get in there root around.

Robin: Yeah We should um, we should do it where If you develop that day's advanced route meaning paved and badass and hectic and for the seasoned rider who wants to do crazy things and and uh switchback hairpins and deep speed sweepers and we're looking at like

Tim: You know Lane and a quarter wide no center line Kind of places is kind of what i've been finding so far

Robin: If you if you like submit that my way I'll i'll bring whatever your final decision is on on an advanced version for this round. Yeah, and then for that particular day i'll take a team out to scout it and You can literally you can either go with us uh, or if you know if need be you end up leading the soft people down the The brp or you and I i'll do rock paper scissors with that. Yeah, or you go do fuck all like you could say like Well, this is what I found via satellite. This is what i'm gonna go check out, you know, yeah um get make that like the midpoint, uh personal day I gotta take a personal day. It's been really rough this vacation

Tim: i'm having trouble you just remember in like those days when we'd be riding on this like Perfectly fine, you know mellow sweepers and i'd be like Looking up into the hills as you know I just saw on my gps a squiggly line that went up there and it's all just nasty gravel

Robin: Yeah the moment when I was sitting next to you on the bikes and I said, uh, I said, you know what i'm looking at my thing and there's something confusing going on here and you're looking at Yours and you look up and then you look off the map and then you look up and you look Totally off of the route and you look at me and you go no we want this Your exact words we want this and then I just was like, well, you're leading now and we followed you and it was freaking awesome You know, we almost have the entire team from the prototype.

Tim: I know it's amazing. That's super cool I saw he is gonna be in is she's still gonna be in she just had another baby He and is a force to be reckoned with so she's definitely in so long as work gives her time off.

Robin: That's the only thing Okay, so that's a holiday It's kind of a big deal, but you know, she's itching to go and uh, the only person that we got to take a moment man um, this is Tom burns who is now officially a resident author for the site tom burns had to sell his Bike he had to sell his uh, his zx1000. He still has his super hawk Which he loves and he knows like the back of his hand, but he had he he uh, Circumstances being what they were he decided he was going to go ahead and sell the zx1000 um, and i'm not sure that he wanted to do that, but I know that he felt like uh, The dedication to two bikes was more than uh, he had time for us So he he went one down and so a little bit of a moment of silence for one two three Okay, that was enough. But uh the point is Point is uh, yeah, man. I loved that bike his bike that bike in specific is all over our photos. Thanks to you Mm-hmm Hashtag ninja hashtag ninja. It's not a ninja man. It's the zeus 2000 used to call me out for saying that all the time It's like i'm pretty sure it says ninja doesn't that decal say ninja?

Travis: Yeah and I I was always just just just because kawasaki's got like brand issues were like the the ninja 250 and the like h2 sx and the Zx 1400 are all ninjas doesn't mean it's not a ninja Yeah, you know still says ninja Yeah, that's that's enough for everybody.

Robin: Uh travis Do you remember krista's general store in delhi off of the brp at the rally point? Hello?

Travis: I'm thinking about it krista's. Oh, we got the barbecue. Yeah, they had the monster truck out front.

Robin: Yep Yep, krista's general store in delhi Uh, that's in piniola nc smoke, okay, let's see if we can find out the route here So that that place was uh, that place was legit I think I feel it feels about right. I mean, it's all pretty blurry in my head But so i'm gonna call that the technical here we go for anybody who's listening and just like what is this boring podcast? What the absolute fuck are these? What is this boring podcast about then? Well, i'm looking at you have to go to the and look up the triple seven store and see Yeah, which is sold out now, so I gotta come up with another one I think we're gonna be doing a triple a triple, uh, a windy nine tour in ohio. I'm planning that one because uh, Because well frankly because travis, so we'll see here. No, um, what about me? Let's that'd be one location and we can probably try to bring multiple families. So tim cilia Makes sense.

Tim: Yeah.

Robin: Um Let me see here So i'm calling this day four and we're looking for oh, so to all you listening out there I'm looking at ride with That's what we use to map our tours. Um And That's krista's general store in delhi. Don't uh, that's in sacramento. Apparently I did not know that do you want to route to this point? Yeah, I don't So let's try that again. Let's look up krista's general store in delhi Uh piniola north carolina piniola piniola piniola piniola piniola uh, north Carolina and then remove marker go. Okay. No, and then we zoom in and I believe italian We're looking for krista's where would it be? Where are you at krista's? Um Let's get an exact address maps krista's Country's krista's country corner. That was the place right? That seems right Uh, yeah, so that's you want can you do like a satellite view or I can do better than that or a street street view Let's do it like this. Bam Go and then yes, i'll do a street view.

Travis: Um, oh it's already on there Yeah, nice yeah that that looks right that junction looks right from here yeah, that's the right place Let's get the stuff in the sky view because there's like that there's like that big garage next to it.

Robin: Yeah, that's it Yeah, that's gonna be that's the joint. Okay. So this map already has it on there And this is yeah, that's that's some legit barbecue.

Tim: Nice.

Robin: Yes it's part of the route and So that's date four and then this hopefully it's on here as well My uh, you guys want to know this this is a kind of important deal here. So what should I do here? Um when you're on redwood gps, you're editing a map if you already have the lines don't use follow roads, uh use Add remove control point and you tether the change. Yeah, I did that. Yeah, so you like snip it out And then you make sure that this section remains intact. Yeah that and then we're all set. So that's day four wednesday um, that's the country corner, um, it's probably i'll i'll even what is this the technical i'm gonna have to mark them both Because this is lunch all the way, uh point of interest generic. Um, coffee save Oh, please. Okay. It is food food f-u-d bud save And save and i'll also do it to the previous one too Food for people that eat animals i've been needing to do this for a while. They got potato salad Anyone with any dietary issues not that I know of no, do you no Yeah, no, I mean it's quite frankly. I haven't sent out the request for the waiver yet.

Tim: Okay so, uh I need to get my uh, my class scheduled for the cpr training get that taken care of.

Travis: Yep There was one coming up on the 15th and I didn't get around to doing it We have the uh, the dvd and the doll for infant cpr if that's helpful Gave it to us.

Tim: Nope, and I don't believe we're bringing any infants along Oh, well, I asked he about that.

Robin: She They do put in luggage pretty well So Uh, I did this wrong.

Travis: I need to open this up now and then hit the hit the old back button Go to routes and then I need I need sidecars now for I got two I can yeah You need a tandem tandem sidecars is that that is in line right one behind the other Um the word tandem you mean Kind of yeah So I told you I went down a rabbit hole the other day on um Ruckus sidecars, right? Oh, no That's awesome. So there's a company. I think they're they're in colorado, california. They they make sidecars for ruckuses They're not that they're like 1200 bucks maybe depending on the options and they're just like bolts on Oh, that's awesome Like you have to like drill you have like you have like they use some existing frame spots and you have to drill a couple of like security holes to put some bolts through but it's like they They go right on your your ruckus and you can It's like how your that is awesome. That's cool Could do a ruckus of the sidecar And then I was trying to look to see if you could do uh, if you could dark side a ruckus Ha ha ha ha What would you like a trailer tire on there? They'll probably like golf cart tires. Oh, perfect. Oh, man, that's awesome it's like do a side hack with dark sided and then you can do the uh, The other thing you do with the ruckus is you can get the 125 cc engine out of a yamaha zuma and swap it out So the 125s have a 50 That'd be awesome That's a plan for the boys You guys keep talking.

Robin: I like I said, I was hoping this episode would be us all clicking around like tim You should be looking at uh, you should be looking at your alternate for that that day But actually not yet because i'm gonna need you guys help with this Uh, or actually i'm gonna i'm gonna pour myself a third glass of porter. That's what i'm gonna do And i'm gonna keep talking i'm gonna keep talking about ruckuses because that's actually motorcycle information that people want it is but then again, i'm also gonna need your help with uh, we're changing up the uh, We're changing up i'm gonna get us out of hendersonville. You remember that freaking nightmare?

Travis: Oh, yeah, we went to your mom's house, right?

Robin: We went to my mom's house when we scouted the routes, but then we went to my mom's house again With the tour which we didn't have to do.

Travis: Yeah, it was a total shit show Oh, yeah, it was just like it just like added an extra hour and a half of traffic, right?

Robin: So i've got to figure that nonsense out.

Travis: It was a beautiful route until that Yeah, well it worked when we were doing the scout because that was our destination for the night So like we got like we hit that traffic, but then we were done we're on the when we were Not on the scouting we hit the traffic and then had to go another hundred miles, right?

Robin: And I don't know that there's like another good Entertaining way. I mean there's there's got to be something around 276 is I remember 276 was pretty sexy But it's just outside of hendersonville.

Travis: Well, that's uh, what ashville right ashville area Uh, we're heading down to maggie valley.

Robin: So yeah. Yeah.

Travis: I mean we're kind of like yo hendersonville is out of ashville Yeah, that's kind of how we got there.

Robin: They're right there here. I'm going to minimize this and give us full geometry Right there is the nightmare of all nightmares that is the biggest most important note Let me actually pull the map up here and be sort of helpful and then get rid of hendersonville I'm gonna give myself another port too because it's just due time. I by the way i'm coaching tomorrow, which is awesome Nice. Yeah, I uh Yeah, we got we got like plenty to talk about By the way, i've already come up with a title for this episode of podcast worst episode ever Worst episode ever. Will you hand me the uh, no actually stay where you are

Tim: Yeah, there's a couple guys talking about maps that just translates so well to audio

Robin: Got a refrigerator and another dude apparently had some kind of he had two puppy dogs

Tim: Like there is nothing like saying you're getting old like getting excited about a new refrigerator

Travis: You could call it um, yeah most exciting episode ever or vexillology corner

Tim: Oh, I got some things

Travis: Flags not that's flags not maps Uh, it's gonna call it that anyway. I don't know. It's about flags. Let's go from that way.

Robin: What day is that in trip sevens? Uh, that's gonna be day.

Tim: I want to say it's day four Oh, oh, yeah I remember we were talking about uh, like the bucky on the last one I remember talking about that last episode. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, it was a bucky The bucky got all these row it I got all excited and I joined up with the madison motorcycle club again As an official member, yeah paid paid my five dollar due I don't know if i'm a returning member I don't know if I got triple sevens all loaded up still on my well both Wait, both of you guys have every map i've ever written.

Robin: I've shared the drop box with you guys Oh, it's on the drop box.

Travis: It's like not on my route gps.

Robin: That's fine Like there's no louder version of my love than to say like you two specifically get access to every awesome map Whatever was where is it in dropbox or something? Well, it should be I can double check that I shared it with you Yeah dropbox and then tear maybe tiara worst episode What what what what what what worst here? I mean, you know what i'm gonna throw some down of the hippity hoppity and that'll make the kids really dig in Yo pass the mic. Yeah word my homie. So Good job that reminds me coach z coming at you So i'm now doing all of the work for the msta's new website build nice, which is Yeah, we'll talk about that later, too We'll talk about that in the exciting episode of the podcast where we get colorful. Um, edo, uh See all of this crap. In fact, okay, that's that's mom There's mom's house, that's funny for no and look at the suburban noise to the left suburbs There's no reason Let's let's go ahead. She you know what when we were there? She was already in maggie valley waiting for us with pizza. No, that is not like well Yeah, you know mom, well, it just didn't need to happen. Sure. There's none of this needed to happen So I gotta figure okay. So first off I know i'd like to be there Um, I don't necessarily need to be here. So let's undo these I add remove control point you're gone You're gone You're gone You're gone. Edoa.

Tim: You're gone So is it uh better to kind of swing south and east from there?

Robin: Well, you see the same more in the wolf ford area I don't know how uh, the resolution is from my monitor on your screen.

Tim: We see this 276 that looks fun That looks like a whole lot.

Robin: Yeah, I mean right so let me zoom in on this Yeah, uh drop box is being dumb on my end.

Travis: I can't get it.

Robin: So, you know, this is that this is that one There you go.

Travis: Yeah, that's that's that's that's to the national park Yeah, so yeah, I think we want that. Yeah.

Robin: Yeah, we want that but So I maintain this this anchor this anchor is good and I created a drop anchor that comes out of bat cave Um, basically what we get stuck on is 64 Yeah, yeah We would follow 64 through chimney rock and that takes us through the downtown and suburban area Can we can we go like out of like bat cave or from there?

Travis: Can we go further southwest kind of around or sorry southeast around?

Robin: Yeah, let me check the mileage because we're at 340 miles Well, that's a big day.

Travis: Yeah, is there something because like you can see where the like suburban development is Is there something that's like down there? I can't quite read what it says on this with this resolution But there's like, you know kind of more national park area green river There yeah, is there is there a road there that goes through doesn't like it Looks like it's just you're either you got to go way out.

Tim: Yeah Unless is this is this paved? Hmm. It's mapped.

Robin: I mean that's better than a lot of the stuff I was finding Um 1196 This isn't you know, this is not for that same day though. Just so you know, um, this is for That was not too bad. I mean that kind of bypasses the whole what's the mileage? So with that we end up at 370 miles That's a long day. I could do that. I mean that's a I can do it. It's a big day. Uh, you know, yeah That's a whole lot of like but but it can be thrown around

Travis: Yeah, but but the problem the the problem was last time The problem was last time that uh, you know, we kind of hit it during like that like afternoon rush hour So if we can just avoid that sort of built-up area then it'll it'll make all the difference

Robin: Yeah, yeah, you know what i'll do Here is here is a real truth to the whole thing So it's it's a it's the biggest day of the tour. We're looking at uh, there it is 372 miles total now the destination is also pretty cool. I mean, that's that's uh, maggie valley That's jonathan clinton and the day after that. Yeah, and we don't always get it We get it roughly two out of three times, but there's always that one time they were like, sorry, mr Dean, uh, no that is the place we stayed on the on the prototype run, wasn't it with the creek in the back? Yes. Oh, yeah So we did we did get that and the only issue is that The day after maggie valley is optionally huge as well So yeah, because it's like you can either do you can either do the dragon or you can do chair hola But you really can't do both. Yeah, watch this Here's here's a day. What day number is that? That'd be five, right? So seven seven seven seven five These are our options for day five. Oh, wow, there's a lot there's the basic version there's the technical that is uh, There's a basic i'm sorry Let's be mellow about this and then go to hectic. There's the sightseeing version, which is a yawn. It's takes you to the uh, Takes you nowhere. Um, it's 169 miles.

Travis: Um, there's that's the I drink too much the night before or i'm getting sick Right.

Robin: Yeah So I won't name names But so that's like the sightseeing route then there's the regular route then there's just the dragon Then there's the chera hola skyway in the foothills Then there's the cheryl hola and the dragon in the foothills. Then there's the cheryl hola and the foothills and 66 It's a big big day. So to have a huge day before this takes like msta gray rider, um Which we are but the customers aren't right. They just they just aren't so here's my proposition. Is that right? Where's the uh, where's the blue ridge pick back up? Is that right?

Travis: Oh 197 looks good it does But then it doesn't take you anywhere you'd have to like get on the interstate and then go right through uh the city there There's the brp Zoom back.

Robin: I'll put a marker here.

Tim: This is how I like to do it So what we do is we add a point of interest right here at the brp Seriously, like a lot of the times the access roads to the brp are the best parts of the brp Yeah I mean like you look at that. It's like brp is kind of nice and windy, but it's 35 mile an hour And then there's this 80 right next to it. That is just stupid going south of there And i'm sure that it's like totally on patrol 55. Yeah.

Robin: Yeah 40 45 mile an hour 55 miles feeling this one sign salt advanced writers keep Going keep going question mark. You like that? Yeah right here Uh, basically stop and consult advanced riders right there boom and so now right there it's like hey if we take a right we're on the brp all the way to That's a pretty good section of the bashville.

Tim: Yeah, that is Yeah, that's not no.

Travis: I think that was where me and you were Chasing me where I was chasing you on that I mean if you if that was part of the route that might not just be bad just to do that and then go right But the only thing is you have to go right to the heart of ashville, but yeah, no you don't because the brp has no Intersections, it's a it is a park where there are no intersections. Yeah, it's like it's continuous. Yeah So that might be better than like looping around down south just take that section I guess we missed that south section that comes out of hendersonville and goes to the national forest. I'm gonna do it You know, so we should just juke it I mean, is there a good way or it's like or you take the brp down into ashville and then take the Like then is interstate for 15 minutes down to hendersonville to pick up the the highway through the national forest there Well travis, you remember everything we did in these sections all the way down here.

Robin: You remember how badass 221 is? Yeah, that's like the heart of the tour next to west virginia. It's like the it's like the second the second top shelf moment So I figure if we do that and then we get here it started to get pretty tedious all through all this shit So we just call this a relief and then we just follow the brp All the way to our that's a nice section of the brp there though. Yeah, that's what i'm talking about That's that's what I mean is like let's go ahead and like delete the poi. Yeah, right and then uh, Move the right over this. Yeah, i'm gonna let me anchor Anchor this point along. What is that 80? Yeah.

Tim: Yeah, it doesn't make me sad I might have to just like Keep going for another mile or and then double back just so I can hit some of those corners on 80 Oh, we're keeping it We're totally keeping it though. Okay.

Robin: The only thing i'm gonna miss though is i'm gonna miss 222 76 So yeah that section that section to the national forest there outside of uh, your mom's house is is really tight Every time I hear your mom and it also it immediately goes to a your mom joke and i'm just like man Well, that's what i'm saying.

Travis: That's what i'm saying. So like that's that like kind of southern point there right Um Yeah, so like go a little west a little south like where you where we pick up the good stuff right here Yeah, like there right? So why can't we take that part of brp? and then Our brp north where you put the anchor point take that west and then just like interstate through the city south Yeah, and then pick it up there and then go through the national forest. So yeah, uh, I don't think the brp picks this up Let me like like like like if you switch it to uh, switch it to map mode from satellite It'll kind of maybe make a little more sense. That's what i'm thinking. There you go Yeah, so it's like the brp comes through and then interstate due south And then it's then pick the national forest up again south of the city Not freaking bad.

Robin: I like your style. Okay, so basically we're gonna bypass ashville by using the brp to our advantage

Travis: Yeah, which is yeah so we're gonna take brp like into ashville and then just interstate because like You know, I mean ashville's not that big of a city it's like the interstation like because we when we went to essentially to your mom's house like we were on these like you know four lane Surface road highways and they were all congested, but the interstate probably wouldn't be that terrible

Robin: And it would just be I think you're gonna like this. Um So basically we got that anchored and then we're gonna do this takes us to the brp Come on, get on there. There you go. Get on there and stay come on work with me Uh, actually let's do this way so boom. Yeah, there we go. Now we're now we're going okay seasonal closure crap I don't care about your seasonal closures We're not gonna be there during the season Right like like avoid highways. Well here let's see if that plays nicer. Here's what we're gonna do. All right There we go. We're on it there and keep on going brp. Am I still on it here? Is that the bluish parkway?

Travis: And I think that's something.

Robin: Yep. It is. That's the bluish Follow that continues down north or down south down north down south, you know, it's the same thing. Um, There's the brp here. Okay, so zoom out then we will uh, keep an anchor there on 276 which we want unless Yeah, that seems about right.

Travis: Um Unless you want to like add interstate which I think is turned off on the map It is well, no, it's it's on right now.

Robin: Um, let's juke that and do this. Come on

Travis: Well, then we're cutting out some of that good the good stuff but I mean I guess it depends on what kind of our total mileage ends up being

Robin: It's after that mileage that i'm thinking like no way are we going to be complaining about a little loss And I can always give people the option But what I really like is that they're forcibly not letting me freaking I don't care about your seasonal closures. I hate your face Yeah, that's the brp right there, right? Yeah. All right, so Um, there's nothing about seasonal closures that's letting me change jack is that's google's fault not theirs. Um, come on Come on. Come on. Come on. Yeah, there we go Give the damn program to behave sucks It's the algorithm.

Travis: They're like dude, you can't go there and he's you know, that road that that road is closed right now It's like yo, it's not gonna be closed in three months.

Robin: It's not gonna be close in may Oh, oh, oh, oh Victory yes We did it for geology All right now that that is enough of a section that with uh a total length of 329 miles that's that's the still the biggest day of the tour. Um, Unless we can get tim to do something massively crazy, which would be kind of cool Now this is a problem. Oh, it's it's shit. It's getting that's all right. That is it is Yeah, but you click there and I anchored it for those of you listening at home I know i'm gonna need you to calm down. You're very excited about all you're hearing well the fact of the matter is is that during the winter trying to do route planning basically google will stop you from trying to Make use of routes that aren't currently active.

Tim: Yeah I had all sorts of problems with that when I was planning my trip out to the west coast Because I was going into that there's wine I was going to be going into the high uintah mountains in colorado and utah And most of them, you know in the winter You can't get to them. They're closed So I went through all sorts of hoops in order to try and get any program to map it Oh, wow all because they you know And there's got to be some like hidden codec setting where you just go into like the html be like don't mess with my efforts Right, it'll just just tell it look it's june. It's not really december. It's not january It's june all these roads are open. I forgot.

Robin: I forgot that i'm talking to a tech geek. That's smart thinking I like your style. Yeah, just lie to the cpu.

Tim: Yeah Like I don't know what the hell you're talking about. That's not what time tommy you're this is That's a gas stop.

Robin: So I think I I think that does it. I mean now I gotta do it to the other map No, I don't actually never mind So everybody else just takes the brp, but if you want to go advanced we uh Follow the good stuff with a couple of brp moments um Until right here and then we jump on the brp and follow that um To what is that? There's the brp again, and then we jump on this 236 which is good And then we arrive at our destination mega valley, which will be the jonathan creek inn I hope I do hope unless we need to update that one, too John, there it is. Yep. Okay, we're good. So And now for a brief intermission, let's talk about refrigerators and travis's babies

Travis: gentlemen, so I mean, I don't know how much you guys care about the poop of other things, but you know, it's like when you when you have babies like poop is like a Central part of your life like you're just constantly monitoring The evolution and changes of your infant's poop um You know, it starts out pretty it's like it's kind of like curried yogurt when it first starts out But then it starts to get a little more dank

Robin: And that was brought to you by poop Everybody poop

Tim: Tim do you have poop in your refrigerator your new refrigerator? No, sir. I do have refried beans, which is nearly the same Yeah, and if he did have poop in his refrigerator he wouldn't have to squat down to see if it was in the bottom that's right Squatting and poop you don't want to do the sit two in the same time At least not in the kitchen.

Robin: Yeah, i'm a very slow person I don't know what's going on. I try to be fast. I try to pretend like i'm Acute and eloquent and quick first i'm not i'm very slow and you guys are way faster than me Oh, yeah, okay, so that does that work for an advanced route I think that looks pretty good.

Tim: I think that looks like I think it solves problems, right?

Robin: Yeah And then unless you want to go to your mom's house Hey your mom So seven seven Yep, uh number four And that would be that was day four, right?

Travis: That was day five. It was it? No, it was day four.

Robin: Yeah, you're right Yeah, yeah day five is the uh, a million ways to The sunday get from virginia to kentucky Yeah, so that i'm just gonna view wednesday and make sure that it's got it's all brp, which it should be You know, this one's like freaking 280 miles of brp And I know hean is gonna be all over that. She loves the blue ridge.

Travis: Did she is she still on the triple? She got rid of her r-type, right?

Robin: But she saw the uh, she sells the daytona Uh, the no, she has a street triple. Yeah, she has margaret's bike but not lowered It's six one. But yeah, yeah Same same motor you're talking about. You're talking. Yeah. Oh look they do the same They do kind of the same thing. We could rally up before 276. Okay So that bro, what's my next bit of note here? So I have okay french cordon is a pizza pub. I'll go in there with that Why not?

Travis: What are you working on jim, why can't I remember the french where was the french quarter and is that the starting that's the starting place Yeah, you remember we met. Oh, yeah caddy caddy corner. There's the pizza bar.

Robin: Yeah, it was awesome I love them. Oh, I don't want that. I don't want that unless you want to start a fistfight with some pirates I didn't okay. So one of our one of our friends jeremy, um new friend to me, uh, longtime friend of tim's yep and and uh, Middle grade friend of travis's um, we've all known him a different amount of time But he's just what a character and that first the first night he stayed up all night and just walked around in uh Is that newport kentucky? Um It's a beautiful town It's a beautiful town and he stayed up all night and just walked around that town in the quiet and just took photos Oh cool, and that's like a testament to who he is You know what? I mean? Like he is a he's I really do like that guy. Yeah, um he's like This is weird to say but you know among the three of us and among some other Friends that I have I try I try to surround myself with people that are better than me. Not not a tall bar. So, uh It's really difficult to be exceptional and when I see people who I know for sure that that's an exceptional person You know, I mean that's not an easy. It's not easy to be an exceptional person in this world But he signed he didn't sign up again.

Travis: Did he?

Robin: Yeah, he's going.

Travis: Oh is oh, is he on the fc on the fc?

Robin: Well, he's working on getting another seat Tim you you want to have his back? Uh reach out to him specifically and talk to him about the seat thing since you're considering doing the same thing. Yeah so if you guys end up going to Captain crusty fucking you're right. Um See guy. Yep John revela. Yeah, the seat guy. Yeah, the seat guy seat If you guys go to the seat guy john revela, we did an article about him a long time That is a long-standing article of awesome. Uh, the seat guy john custom-built Amazing.

Travis: Yeah You know, it's it's your classic, uh tailored sort of situation when I did mine he was you know Handed my crotch with a piece of chalk marking stuff down um, yeah, but making the changes that needed to be made so That was like I wrote, you know, I don't know the seat but you know That was you know, I I wanted a little more of a bump stop, uh on the on the seat So I wasn't like right up on the tank on my bmw and he made it happen. So yeah That's my my oh speaking of things that have happened since the last podcast. I got I got the jenny the jackhammer tattoo Yes. Oh, yes long long time listeners well may remember my 2005 bmw f650cs Uh, I believe in europe they called it the scarver um, because I have a penchant apparently for bikes that have storage where the gas tank is supposed to be And uh that bike is the one that rob and I took our first big trip on out to Portland oregon and seattle and back from the midwest

Robin: That tattoo made me cry Oh yeah, man, I was just like that that is like The first trip seven store having tim by me for that that first run through uh, Daniel boone. Oh, yeah, you know red river gorge Like I tear up thinking about those moments because you and I were just way ahead everybody else. They could all fuck off We're just having so much fun. Oh such a hoot. Oh my god It was very personal to me, you know, like like you get that's a that's like one of those bonding moments Like when you did your big adventure trip tim across the u.s Yeah, pacific northwest. That's fucking spiritual. Yeah, but I had the

Travis: I had the blend to get a commemorative tattoo now, absolutely

Robin: I have to freaking load it and and like travis the the trip to The was the pacific northwest with travis for me personally was a blend of both It was extremely personal and extremely spiritual and like so I saw that too and I was like man If only I was creative enough because otherwise i'm gonna be the guy that's gonna be like i'm gonna get a tattoo We did a trip make it a tattoo. You got a sharpie, you know, like here i'll do it.

Travis: Give me that pen You just gotta fuck well you gotta like kind of work a concept or a general concept and like Find an artist find an artist you like that has artistic talent. That's right.

Robin: Yeah. Yeah It's like well i'm gonna get tattooed dan out of la The um, I don't even know if he's alive anymore.

Travis: Yeah, he's like for those for those of you that are are newish to the I had this bmw. It's a single cylinder f650 so The 680 cc single cylinder and it was uh, the first time I let robin ride I think you were still riding the yamaha that time you had your seika 400. I did still have the seika at that time He was like that thing feels like a jackhammer with a single cylinder Did I name that shit? Yeah Holy shit Because you said it feels like a jackhammer and then the official color of that bike. It was yellow, but it was ginster yellow um Ginster is apparently some sort of flower maybe in germany I I don't know but uh, the ginster flower is where the the color comes from so it's ginster yellow So that bike got named jenny the jackhammer. So I now have a uh, A pin-up girl on my arm, uh holding a jackhammer in yellow with the bmw logo on it And she's jenny the jackhammer.

Robin: I feel so much more important now I feel like I did a thing

Travis: You permanently scarred my body robert

Robin: I try to do that with all my friends

Tim: So speaking of uh, has anyone else been pulled over on the trip sevens other than me and you no I still am laughing about that because we We were so far ahead of everybody and we were just starting to roll off And mellow out so everyone could catch up and there's this big white suv Comes up coming at us and i'm like, oh that looks like uh, oh, yeah, there's the lights

Robin: Okay, so for for the listeners out there if you've made it this far in what may be our worst episode ever The very first trip sevens tour took place, uh four years ago And the trip sevens tour is seven riders seven states seven days There's a big vodcast that travis and I did about that's kind of a big hit where we scouted the advanced routes I even crashed in it.

Travis: Well, sort of not really um but Oh zane zane's memory lane.

Robin: Yeah, it's like a trip down memory ditch Down memory ditch and canal winchester, ohio On a brand new bmw that I yeah, so any other point is the the first trip sevens tour um, tim clark and I uh Everybody was paying at cost. It was a prototype Um, they had to be responsible for their own and everything was less personal or more personal Whatever point is less professional less professional. So tim and I were uh, we were getting hooligan up front About as professional as this podcast.

Tim: Yeah, it was it was basically Bunch of guys that were really familiar with touring on bikes and then some who weren't and then it was it was a select group

Robin: Yeah Yeah, if you look up a voto cycle on youtube she documents it was her first big tour that's he and who's going again Yeah, and you know tim and I were up ahead and we knew that we had it was just the blue ridge parkway We're gonna be on that road for freaking ever. Yeah, they will catch up So we decided to gun it and we did and we had a good time And there was no traffic or when there was traffic. We we handled it as irresponsibly as possible. Yeah And when we finally said, okay, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. We are We are approaching, you know, we are 40 plus years old both of us Let's grow up finally and slow down and right when we rolled off the throttle Uh a chevy suburban goes by and we both are looking at our rear views And it he farkles up right when he goes around the blind corner Yeah, and he disappears with the farkles on and it's totally like he's after us That's us.

Tim: Yeah, and and we we rolled off and we were still we came out of that corner about 50 miles an hour The speed limit is what 35 35.

Robin: Yeah, we entered that corner at 75 We don't talk about that that way, but i'm with you there. The data will remain in this episode like that, you know Legal testimony will prove that generous So we roll off the throttle and we come to a stop and we really because we saw the farkles and we immediately Stop yep, and this guy I think we sat there for an easily

Tim: Easily 45 seconds, we're watching him in the mirrors and he's doing like a 45 point turn

Robin: He's busting the biggest fattest austin powers i've ever witnessed rolls up Gets out and politely asks that we'd chill the hell out Gives us a warning and says the only reason he gave us a warning was because we stopped so quickly. Yep Like he saw that we immediately stopped. He's like look don't do that. Here's your warning. There are other guys up ahead They know about you now. We're not cops. We're bigger than that. I've already radioed it in the whole collective.

Travis: Yeah federal their federal, um Federal park officials.

Tim: Yeah, I think we were officially on skyline drive at that point Oh, yeah, and that was part which is they take that a lot more.

Travis: Yes skylines.

Tim: Yeah Now you're starting to get into closer to the dc crowd Let's go help me through this again.

Robin: So directly across from day zero meaning the first hotel. There's a pizza pub I can't really add that to the map. I don't need to know the The woodbury inn is beautiful, but the last time we were there Yeah, some of us just too unpredictable Yeah, man The restaurant was not open and they told us it was gonna be now some people had sugar in their rooms Other people had creamer. I'm the one that had the coffee and I came walking out at 7.

Travis: No cups No cups You're drinking out of the carafe.

Robin: I was drinking directly out of the fucking carafe, which was dustier than an old library so i'm drinking this dusty coffee and i'm looking up at the office like Yeah I wasn't even called the woodbury anymore.

Travis: I wasn't it was called something else the fuck

Robin: The restaurant's closed in I surrender you guys have failed me too many times trying to book this thing We're at the blue ridge motel and restaurant right down from jane's country cafe

Travis: Uh, so that's done and that crazy gas station that's an ice cream parlor slash knife shop slash deli slash Collectible shop and they sell a lot of cast iron cookware and a biker vest that already has patches on it

Robin: We got we got all the way down to we got rid of hendersonville for day four I think um Okay, so stay on alternate route 66 some bad roads leading off and lots of traffic

Travis: I don't that's on the that's the 66. So that's day five If that's the same issue as hendersonville, no, no, no. No, that's the next day That's it. You want to do the dragon? Do you want to do the tarahola? Do you want to do that? That's 66 which option takes us along 66 the one that says 66 That's the one you scouted with greg and the other guys Where you were in the rain and I took the other crew last year Like I took I took uh with his name rick and and uh, mike And we did we did the dragon which was amazing. Like we had no traffic. We had it was dragon Unimpeded we had no traffic on the dragon. We did not slow down at all That was amazing. And then we did a couple of the other kind of things we did. Uh joppa mountain Oh, yeah found a good found a good barbecue place along the way And then came king got into kentucky and then you guys caught us up like Three or four hours later in the pouring rain

Robin: Yes, so so now tim we we got a I'm here with two of my best friends here So travis tim from the first tour he had a whole different circumstance where he was like hanging out and taking photos and Basically having a good time documenting the process of prototyping What can you warn him about in terms of his responsibilities? this time around Huh?

Travis: Oh like because you're doing sweet. I mean, you know, i'm on days, you know, like It's not that you need the advice. It's that it's that travis has done it So if yeah, if I could if I could put words in travis's mouth, it would be robin set up a pretty damn good tour But it doesn't mean he has a handle on everything Yeah, I mean there's just you know It's just general stuff keep your wits about you inside There's see like that day that day in particular was was the day because we split into two teams. So there so I was B team leader Instead of sweep rider.

Tim: Okay.

Travis: Yeah sweep riders easy like when I was sweep rider. It's like You know, you got some slower riders So I would just like stop for 20 minutes and then rubber band And then get back on my bike and catch up and stop for 20 minutes, right? Except for that one day where I thought I overtook you guys and I didn't but I thought I did because you all got lost I got lost But then it turns out everyone else got lost So I didn't overtake you even though I thought I had And there was I couldn't call anyone um, but that day day five when we were a team b team That was like the guys were the guys were getting a little burnt and they were hungry And so I like was like on the bike trying to google map some some eats. Yeah And it worked out really good like off of off a job joppa mountain road They're just southeast of the exit of joppa mountain road. We found this amazing barbecue place I was two for two on fine audible in barbecue places that trip but um, yeah, I mean that's that's just like the hard stuff It's just like hey, we're kind of hungry and we're kind of tired and okay Well, let me see what I can do to help us not be hungry So Check this out.

Robin: Um, i'm looking right now at the exact road. This is the exact road Okay, so here's the hotel top left and then right here.

Travis: This is in this is what's it. Kentucky.

Robin: There's manchester Right that road that goes like right through the hood right here and we're not talking about like inner city big metropolitan area We're talking about Nowhere, kentucky.

Travis: Why is there that little dog there? Does that need to be fixed? Is there like a bad way point?

Robin: It won't let you do it. I mean I can try but here let's do a add a room control point blap Blap unless it's a gas stop, which it is not and then let's try to not have it Uh-huh. Oh look at that.

Travis: I guess it's fixed But the fact of matter all of this is going away because I mean right that I mean honestly like that road Might be fun if it isn't pouring rain, but it's like six feet wide Neighborhood access only with like but like with unnecessary hills like it looks like a straight road but you go up like a like a 20 percent grade for like 10 feet and then back down. It's like it's dumb.

Robin: That's the thing So right here right here this spot right here. Yeah This is the moment where there's a trailer in these woods. There are trailers in these woods Right here i'm saying all i'm saying is that in this satellite view you can see an above ground pool and that's all you need to know Right at this spot i'm gonna say we passed it by and then right here is Hey, robin. Yeah, greg. Are you fucking shitting me right now? Like right there in Furnace gap road in manchester, kentucky. No, this is dead.

Travis: This is not happening at all Wait, actually just stay just just stay on the highway Just go up on the highway and then you go past the liquor store if you stay on the highway So then then it's good watch this Now you need there's one over down stewart elm or whatever. You gotta get rid of that control point.

Robin: It's done. It's over There's no issue Save and the huddle house, which this I mean it is never a dull moment at the huddle house Yeah, that was good.

Travis: That was great it's like it's like Well, what did I what did I get that? I went to the state liquor store and I got a bottle of old granddad Bonded and we went and we had a couple of whiskeys. I went to the huddle house.

Robin: It was a great time the third the third instance of the trip seven store was when the next morning Uh, we went over to the huddle house and there was a guy there was a like a forest chud belly out or no Not really belly out. He was but he was totally a forest chud the you know banging old man I'll tell you what he was saying some weird nonsense that the the workers there were getting they were tripping They were just like the locals couldn't the locals couldn't understand this guy. Yeah, so If it's that bad, you know, you're in deep So this is the technical cfc. Oh and 66 was great.

Travis: I forgot Yeah, you guys you guys were all you guys raved about 66 once you got back But even in the wet because you greg and jeremy, right?

Robin: Yeah, and I stepped out a little bit. I didn't step out the way I did on uh, daniel Tim I had a I had a yeah, you heard that story. Yeah, I did.

Travis: Well, that's day seven. That's day six yeah, it's daniel boone, but uh Yeah, that was that fresh that fresh asphalt too.

Robin: So yeah, and your physics were right you were telling me like Dude, you know I was telling you about like man I thought I could trust these tires but I was throwing too much forward momentum Into the turn and I I ended up almost low siding both directions. Jeez.

Travis: Yeah. Yeah Yeah, that that day on daniel boone was uh, I mean if you go back in the podcast you'll hear our recap of the trip, but that daniel boone was wet and slick and Fuck do I gotta edit all these I think I like day five Seven, so they all they all they all go down that road leave it for the boring leave it for the boring day They can have a little excitement. Yeah Edit Everyone wants to do that route. I mean that's another thing too is there's what? Six versions of this route. There's seven people on the tour. It's like You're never gonna you know, it's everybody split up This one a lot of that a lot of that too is like weather dependent like you know You got a you get a rain day or something like you don't want to do the long day in the rain

Robin: So this one looks normal-ish Nope, nope, this one's going to uh, duke

Travis: Yeah, pull those pull You we don't need to go to that's like that That's essentially like a private drive and we don't you don't need that. You don't need that at the end It's where opportunity shops I mean you need to you need to get yourself something If you need a knife to stab your friends in their sleep look no further Not real staghorn at this price I'm gonna have to put a timer on there. All right, so Futurama fans listening Save We all know how much you love Futurama So actually so for those for those who don't know i'm in a clash tribute band. Oh, yeah And we play the dead johnnies madison wisconsin. You want to look us up, but we do play a clamp down Uh, which is in uh season eight episode five signs of the clamps on uh, futurama season eight episode five That's some exact Historic. Yeah, well, so it's like like like the like the later seasons did uh fall into like that simpsons trope of like musical montaging It's so it's like there's like a there's a character called clamps or his for his full name is francis x Clamponso um And there's a musical montage and they play The clash song clampdown during the musical montage and it's like a buddy scene It's like there's he's buddies with this guy and the song is so So inappropriate Like it's about like totalitarianistic social control Like working for the clampdown It's it's like not it's like a it's a it's a deep political song because it's the clash, right? Yeah, and they and but they play it in this episode of futurama because it says the word clamped in it. It's like It's so funny But every time we play that song live I go, uh future orphans will notice from season eight episode five I remember you saying that I remember you saying that at the first show Yeah, I think maybe maybe not was it a new one that you had and i'm just full of shit now I'm, probably full of shit now. Uh, have you get have you been to a dead johnny show?

Robin: Yes I went to yeah, and i'm gonna go to many more when I get back I need you guys to help with that actually I am hoping that uh, you guys can help me find where we should be because uh, well, let me know the options, you know, I mean obviously if I had a uh, Million dollars i'd buy i'd buy a lot down in green county and build you a spot there But um, I dig it. I don't so i'm thinking that we want to be looking to the dnr We want to be camp hosts at a location that's near you guys Um, so we'd be in the camp host spot with the full hookup. It's just a matter of which one's available and which one's open Yeah, I think margaret's hopefully looking into that And I'd say i'm about halfway through this growler reporter right now.

Travis: That's How long have we been recording this while i've been just updating these videos these freaking maps, uh I'm at an hour 28 hour and 28 minutes So it's an hour and a half episode And it's mostly just us rambling about making maps and then other stories of interjection.

Robin: Yes Let's see here. You know You you were out and then robin's just like clicking on stuff.

Travis: I don't know. He likes the satellite view I don't like satellite view. I like map view.

Tim: I like terrain view terrain is where it's at So look all three of us working together.

Travis: We should start a podcast Talk about talk about maps the entire time.

Tim: Oh my gosh. I I have always been so mesmerized by maps Like used to be like when I was planning my southwest wisconsin stuff. I would have google maps terrain map big paper map out and Sometimes like something else And I would spend like four or five hours planning a three-hour ride

Travis: What you need for wisconsin you need the milwaukee map service the quadrant maps So if you ever come to wisconsin, you want to ride the good roads listeners milwaukee map service maps You can pick them up at a lot of gas stations, but there's four maps for wisconsin. So it's each quadrant wisconsin Um, but those they're amazing paper maps um, and they're made out of like plastic so they don't tear they're really good tear resistance and then if you If you want a little more then you get the delorme

Tim: Yeah, but that it gets almost more information than you need unless you are off-roading

Travis: It's a little too in-depth and then I think I we put it somewhere on the site. If not remind me robin. I'll get you the links um our friend kevin Hit me to it because he's a he's kind of he kind of got off of motorcycles and on the bicycles Oh kevin. Okay Yeah, they like to do a they like to do gravel grinding so the wisconsin dnr has these great county by county maps And they will delineate like what roads are gravel and what roads aren't Oh nice.

Robin: Yeah, including like like where they transition from paved to gravel So if you go on the wisconsin dnr site you can actually see what is gravel and what's not This is something I need to add to the leader sheet If you see rain and want to get your gear on stop and get your gear on We will stop for you and wait This uh was an issue.

Travis: Yeah.

Tim: Oh, yeah, if if you're the only guy wearing leather and it's already raining it's too late Yeah That because that was me oh no, oh Usually my calculation is well, everything is waterproof and this isn't too Cold so i'm gonna just get wet today You zip it up.

Travis: Well, that was that was like it kind of was kind of raining and it wasn't too cold And it was like fine, but then the rain really started to come down But I was the only guy who was wearing leather top and bottom And i'm like I It will take me 30 minutes to struggle to get rain gear on over wet leather Like it's just not gonna happen. So i'm just gonna fucking Go Go raw dog in the leather. It's not that cold. I'll be fine Uh this and the leather was wet for like two days Here's the spot Tell me i'm wrong here.

Robin: So here i'm gonna read through this just for entertainment purposes So this this is the leader sheet for the tour morning and eve We'll head towards insert and enjoy insert along the way before stopping in insert Where our first guest up the insert continues through the insert and to insert where we'll grab lunch This then points to insert the scenery of insert eventually delivering us into insert. We'll insert before Before we eventually retire to insert in insert We'll spend the night at insert surrounded by insert now in the morning. How many miles are we covering today answer? What's the escape route to our next destination answer where and when we'll be in lunch answer? Reinforced group writing etiquette plus lining border basically leave three seconds ahead of you All this stuff any now here's the key point because this was in my notes Any delay over three minutes would be a turnaround scenario, but pulling over doesn't have to be an emergency And this is where I inserted this if you see rain and wants to get your gear on Stop and get your gear on period We'll stop and wait for you. This happened actually i'll do it like that There we go, since there are no periods at the end of anything else things need to be uniform um, this happened on our on the tour with uh, a name mentioned who angrily was vibing about it and uh, That was they know that's on them. So, uh, They won't do that again, you know, it's like you are responsible for you. It's in the liner. It's in the rider It's in the signature You are responsible for you if you need to stop and get your rain gear on stopping your terrain gear on. Yeah So that's important. Uh, let's see remain within two thirds 66 Yeah, remain within two thirds or 66 percent of your skill set while riding check on the rider behind you every so often Don't pass unless invited to do so leave a safe following distance two second minute changing that three second three second You do on the site, too Evening is everybody gassed up for tomorrow? Summarize the day's riding ride in a conversation. What were everyone's hearing parts? Did anyone try this? How how did that work out? What's everybody's looking forward to next and address any technical specs? I think i've covered. I mean, uh, what else is in my notes? I I don't uh Directly across from the french quarter is a pizza pub. Yes. Um, okay, so i've got this covered I've got that covered. I've got this done. Uh, this is awesome. Tim Um, I in fact it was so good that I actually didn't have any I just chilled outside and played with the cats Yeah, and it was just daydreaming for about 40 minutes. It was awesome. It's just so beautiful Uh that krista's general store this episode the writing talking about the krista's Um get rid of hendersonville done stay on alternate route 66 and we still get to ride 224 Uh stay on alternate route 66. Yes Oh, that's what that's about Don't deviate Okay So i'll do that next that's the last thing to do if you see a rain and want to get your gear on Stop and get your gear on. Okay, double check. They will be comfortable. Yeah, that's already in there I think but i'll keep them like a couple things to double check but Got a lot done and i've got notes to remind you guys about craigslist five octaves and autotune Tim are how are you feeling man? Are you are you uh, are you feeling ready for this? Do you you know, they're Yeah, go ahead.

Tim: Oh, i've got to do a little bit of bike prep So, you know me too.

Robin: I gotta do the forks fork oil.

Tim: So, yeah, we talked about uh, I bought the crazy little bike so it's gonna be It's got some ergonomic challenges if I want to stay on it all day for multiple days Yeah, so that's gonna be the big challenge. It's like I gotta get the seat down So I gotta get around to talking to john and getting that going he Does have a little bit of a cut.

Robin: I mean Be mindful of his turnaround time.

Tim: Yeah. Yeah. No, i'll reach out to him in the next little while I'm, not gonna leave that for too long before I get started on it.

Robin: He is amazing.

Tim: That's good. That's good because uh, I am and The talking about getting the bike ready for the tour So I want to get the seat Done and once I get the seat done, I gotta evaluate if I need to redo the foot pegs because I think I Want different foot pegs. You gotta do something bigger or yeah a big bigger Platform just uh like adventure style you can stand up.

Travis: Yep Something I get or at least just a less pressure point Would be nice and see if uh If the ones like I have fit the um, you get the uh, was it kramer klr ones off of uh amazon for like 20 bucks and you just grind grind the stop off and That would be awesome if those fit Oh, yeah So we're gonna do that.

Tim: So between that and then I gotta get a a luggage solution figured out Because that bike is not built for luggage.

Robin: You got my camera on right now, right? Yep. Okay Um, i've got that same tail bag that uh, see I don't have room for a tail bag Really? It's that this bike is that small It's stubby like it doesn't have anything past the back of the seat and this one's a big one, too You might need some fab work.

Tim: Uh So i've got some ideas. I've got some ideas in mind that won't require much Work to do it. Um, yeah i'm looking at the uh dual sport like um style Hemisphere type bags the like the giant loop the like the giant loop Yeah, that's like a it's like a big donut that kind of wraps around the back of the bike. Yep yep, so it's like imagine the shape of a you know, a passenger's butt and you chop off the knees and Tie them to the foot pegs. It yeah, it that's a horrible description, but there you go I've actually That's probably the best description of that type of luggage i've ever had a friend who Did the poor man's version where he took a pair of old pants and made just stuffing full of stuff and strapped him on Yeah, it was what's it called? It's pretty awesome. Uh giant giant loop and the model is coyote So i've been looking at one of these so one of these uh, moscow moto has a Version of it and krieger has a different version of it. Uh, wolfman luggage has got a different version So there there's a couple options they're kind of pricey but they're good and they're durable And i'm i've been shopping second hand stuff is always pricey. I've been watching the second hand market and trying to Trying to scoop one up that way. Hopefully save a little bit of money very interesting Very cool. So yeah, so i'm gonna raise the seat up Add a little crown to it And maybe raise the handlebars to match Yeah So got that going on.

Robin: Wait, is that lulu?

Travis: Oh, the the the howl is lulu. It's always lulu. Yeah. Okay. Suki doesn't make that noise. Yep Um, yeah, I brought her down. I was I was snuggling her. I don't know if you saw in the camera I was snuggling lou, but I got my camera turned off because my connection is crap after this hour She went back upstairs, um hauling at nothing maybe one of the boys made a noise. Yeah speaking of which get what you paid for so um For this is we're going to slightly change the topic but there's uh, there's there's there's a crossroads here motorcycle people like guns knives and guitars That's generally happens you don't like all of them, but you probably overlap somewhere. Yeah Yeah, some combination including at least one of yeah So, uh for the dead johnnies, I picked up this. Um This squire pb. It's just like a squire affinity pj It is like the bassiest bass model Squire guitar, right? Yeah used Got it used 150 bucks I have since managed to put almost 400 dollars worth of upgrades on it So Is that so? um So I got I just put a set of grover black tuners on it.

Tim: Oh Oh, that's nice and

Travis: and uh a hip shot high-mass black bridge and then I put uh Dr. Black Beauty's black strings on it and then I put a chinese flat black pickguard on it So it's all blacked out and then I put a set of uh, geezer butler signature emgs

Robin: Yeah, wait, that sounds awesome right there just to make sure this is as bad as possible and with that This has been another episode of the writing obsession podcast. I'm robin dean I'm travis broson and i'm tim clark. Safe travels everyone or something or whatever or just listen to the next one

The Gist

Travis and his wife are now the proud parents of two beautiful baby boys. You heard it before ... twins! Congrats to the happy couple!

Tim bought a new refrigerator. Calm down. Calm, I say! He's also trying to figure out his luggage rig for our upcoming "Trip Sevens" tour.

Robin is in Texas preparing to begin work as an MSF coach for Total Rider. He's also working to better the "777" tour maps. Hence this episode.

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