Your Sport Touring Motorbike Fix

R. DeanAug 21, 2019CommentShare

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The "777" Tour

Listen in as Travis and Robin discuss a group riding tour involving seven riders, seven states and seven days. Music by Otis McDonald. Download our feed here.

The Gist

This marks the sixth iteration of our flagship "Trip Sevens" tour. The name comes from a simple theme: seven riders, seven states, seven days. Robin and Travis swapped lead/sweep roles throughout.

There were dark storms, deep woods twisties, mountain top views and a lot of friendly bonding. Also, there were betterings and caveats that only come with motorcycle travel. We look forward to expanding our knowledge along the way every time.

Everyone learned new things about themselves. Each individual rider brought something that the tour couldn't have gone without. What's definitely a motorcycle vacation is also a team building experience, for sure.

Did We Miss Sump'm?

Sixty percent of the time, we're right every time. What would you add to the conversation and why? Your input is invited. Leave a comment!

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