Your Sport Touring Motorbike Fix


Post An Article

Publishing is an easy ride. Just type! Your article will appear on our site similar to how you enter it. Click here for tips on finding that "perfect" topic. Not big on typing? Record your thoughts to an audio app such as Auphonic (Android | iPhone), upload to SoundCloud and email us the link. We'll transcribe, polish and publish your voice notes proudly in your name.

1) Visit Wordtracker and use their keyword research tool to find a high-demand, low-supply chain of terms pertaining to your topic. 5-10 should suffice.

2) Where necessary, you can use Google Trends to streamline your keywords even more by comparing less obvious possibilities.

3) Make sure to spread the best of your keywords evenly throughout without sacrificing creativity.

You may find that the resulting keywords change what you end up writing about. That's okay! It's better to answer the demand and assist the motorcycle community than forcibly put "just another post about yada" on the web (unless your yadas are better than the others, in which case have at it).

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