Your Sport Touring Motorbike Fix


Support TRO

The Riding Obsession is a viewer supported labor of love. It can be hard finding time to build on our content library. We try.

If you enjoy putting our resources to use, great! All TRO content remains free for public viewing. That'll never change.

However, if you'd like to help us remain afloat, below are a few ways you might go about doing so ...

Write For Us

We're always on the lookout for unique and original guest content. By writing for TRO, you're helping to expand our repository of valuable information all while gaining exposure in the motorcycle community. Submit your article here!

Benefits of Writing for TRO:

  • Share your expertise and passion for motorcycles
  • Build your portfolio and gain exposure
  • Connect with a like-minded community

Spread The Word

Help us grow by sharing TRO with your fellow motorcycle enthusiasts. Sharing our mission and resources with a wider audience supports us just as much as any financial contribution. Seriously.

Ways to Share:

  • Tell your friends and riding buddies about us
  • Share our posts on social media
  • Mention TRO in motorcycle forums and communities


If you're in a position to contribute financially, your donations help maintain and enhance our offerings. Be it a one-time donation or recurring support, every little bit helps. Stripe makes it easy for both of us ...

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Thank You!

TRO's articles, resources, podcasts, group tours and personalized assistance are just a few ways we engage with the motorcycling community. Your article contribution and/or donations keep our wheels in motion. For that, we thank you!

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